The NFL and Their Deafening Silence on the Coup D’état at the Capitol

Ameer Hasan Loggins, Ph.D
4 min readJan 11, 2021

by Ameer Hasan Loggins

The sound of silence surrounding the Capitol coup d’état is deafening by one of Trump’s most prominent groups of “friends” and financial supporters — the team owners in the NFL.

Aloud, the NFL has gone to great lengths to align its league with frontstage performances of pledging allegiance to patriotism. The league had no problem marketing manufactured nationalism as they partnered with the United States Department of Defense for Hometown Hero dedications to salute soldiers, fighter jet flyovers, and the unfurling of massive American flags on the field.

Silently, backstage, behind the scenes, the Department of Defense paid the NFL more than $5 million in taxpayer money between 2011 to 2014 to honor U.S. soldiers and veterans at games.

Aloud, the NFL promoted its league-wide NFL Votes initiative that was “intended to include, support, and encourage the voting and civic engagement efforts of NFL fans.” The league publicized team facilities being used for 2020 election support. In the NFL Votes commercial, NFL Commissioner, Rodger Goodell, pointed at the camera and said, “We’re counting on you to do your part and vote.” And yet, there is utter silence when Trump’s followers stormed and breached the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, stoked…



Ameer Hasan Loggins, Ph.D

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